If I open it as a localhost from the same machine, yes then the website opened, but if I open it with domain, the website is not getting open from this machine, and rest of the world can open.

There is no firewall on this computer, the only thing is I installed the sp2 and after disabling the firewall still the website was not opening for the rest of the world so, I uninstalled the sp2, no effect, then I restore the system on old date(before sp2) then it start serving website and it can open from outside and localhost, but not with the domain on same machine.
I can ping the ip no problem, i can ping the domain no problem.

I still don't understand what can be the cause of this. it was fine before
please advise.

>> could someone tell me that whats wrong with this netstat report
>> the website is not opening from the same machine, the rest of
>> the world can open easily but not getting open from the same
>> machine.
>Is your web server configured to accept requests to the localhost address?
>My guess is that it isn't.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444
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