Thanks Yves,
I am not on that location now, but thats a good point. I will test this in the eveing and post the reply tomorrow.

- Asim

>Can you use the domain names on other PCs on the network and see the
>sites properly?
>Here, we're behind a firewall using NAT... port forwarding...
>Presently, I cannot use domain names  with other PCs on the network.
>If I do, I just get the firewall box. But the external world has
>access without trouble. (I'm waiting for this to be fixed) I was told
>we needed another DNS server to serve internal requests. As I am not
>the network admin, I have not resolved this problem.
>So, on the webserver here, I cannot access the site by domain name,
>even if I'm on the server (the actual box the request comes to)
>because of the NAT box.
>Just thought I would throw that out there...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Asim Manzur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 09:40:23 -0400
>Subject: Re: OT- netstat report
>Yes I ping the domain from the same machine, and got response.
> I ping the external static ip, got response.
> I ping the internal ip, got response.
> I ping the computer name, got response.
> infact I ping outside the network and got response as well.
> thanks
> >On Friday 03 Sep 2004 13:10 pm, Asim Manzur wrote:
> >> If I open it as a localhost from the same machine, yes then the website
> >> opened, but if I open it with domain, the website is not getting open from
> >> this machine, and rest of the world can open.
> >
> >Check the DNS.
> >Can this machine 'ping' it's own real world address (as both an IP and a
> >name) ?
> >
> >--
> >Tom Chiverton
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