Wouldnt a output XML and add XSLT for PDF and transformations help?


On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:52:18 -0400, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Chastain wrote:
> > I am working on an application that will need to generate a wide variety of
> > reports and invoices, preferable with output to the web and in PDF that
> > could then be printed or emailed.  This application is going to be used by
> > different customers, so that ability to brand the reports and invoices is
> > very important.
> Keff.
> We use JasperReports, an open source java reporting tool, to generate a
> variety of reports here in University Development at Duke.  It was a lot
> of work to implement - particularly learning how to use one of the
> various avaialble report designers (mostly now that I know what I'm
> doing, I avoid the report designer almost entirely and hand-code the XML
> report designs)
> It works nicely for generating PDFs.
> I do, however, look forward to the day when I can dump jasperreports in
> favor of Blackstone.  I don't think there are many people out there
> using jasperreports with CF, and I was *mostly* on my own for figuring
> out how to get it implemented.
> I blogged some of the process (fairly poorly) here:
> http://blog.rickroot.com/blog/index.cfm?mode=entry&entry=8ACD1BF0-749F-13E8-4B62D4263D19A701
>  - Rick
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