On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 19:42:11 -0400, Jim Davis
> As a professional human factors person my personal opinion is that both OX X
> and XP score about even (overall) on usability.

I think that mac osx is a bit higher scoring on the UI because things
seem to be more readily available. Quite the opposite of the cd burner
icon complaint. With windows you have to drill down for everything -
from the start menu to the open file dialog everything is hidden (the
exception being the actual desktop). While mac has that too, the
launching docker and the 4 pane file opening dialog make it seem
easier to find / organize things - it just seems more fluid, less
hidden, and better organized.

> Both have frustrations,
> neither is completely immediately intuitive and both show that we've miles
> to go before the holy grail of the "invisible interface". ;^)

Yeah true that - and we probably wont get there if there is only one
way forced on everyone ;-)

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