Yes, the download link is broken. Looks like Ollie forgot to upload the
build. Best bet is to install it through eclipse's auto-update feature.
It actually makes it very easy to set up and keep it updated.

That's under help > software updates > find and install, then make a new
update site with and follow along.

-nathan strutz

Dave Carabetta wrote:
> Trying to download this, but the link on the tigris site leads to an error:
> "No matches to your request were found."
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Dave.
> On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 17:44:54 -0700, Spike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Just thought I'd let you all know we put out a new  release of cfeclipse
>  > today.
>  >
>  > We fixed a bunch of bugs and added quite a few features.
>  >
>  > Full details are available at the tigris website
>  > ( and on the cfeclipse blog/wiki
>  > (
>  >
>  > Any questions, problems, suggestions should be directed to the cfeclipse
>  > users list on the tigris website.
>  >
>  > Regards
>  >
>  > Spike
>  >
>  > --------------------------------------------
>  > Stephen Milligan
>  > Code poet for hire and cfeclipse developer (
>  > <> )
>  > Y!: CF_Spike
>  > ICQ: 15831735
>  >
>  > "An engineer is someone with vision, a crafstman is someone with
> vision and
>  > creativity, an artist is someone with vision, creativity and passion.
> Which
>  > one are you?"
>  >
>  >
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