I agreed,
Will be careful next time.


>I'm sure that you did not have any bad intention Asim but please, try to be
>a little more descriptive next time. Many people have strict work policies
>re: adult sites. Most people will trust that links placed here will lead to
>a professional site and by not being clear on what you're posting, it could
>be a problem.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Asim Manzur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:27 AM
>Subject: Re: OT- NEWS - cfcertification.com
>> Don't get mad guys,
>> I use to goto that site, it had some certification preperation that time
>for cfmx, I just checked that today and found that.
>> I was thinking that might be someone knows about it that what happened, it
>has been hacked or what. my intension was not going there to see the adult
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