Okay, a better reply is that it appears that the following JSP package import ...

<% page language="java" import="com.plumtree.remote.portlet.*" %>

... is actually comparable to ...

<cfobject action="" type="java"
class="com.plumtree.remote.portlet.AggregationMode" name="AggregationMode">
<cfobject action="" type="java"
<cfobject action="" type="java"
class="com.plumtree.remote.portlet.HostedDisplayMode" name="HostedDisplayMode">

... etc. for all 15 classes in this package.

So, is there a simpler way to do this?  It would be ideal, as it is in JSP, to
have all of the objects already created and ready to use without having to
perform N cfobject calls at the top of a template.

- Jeff

Quoting Kola Oyedeji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If you have the package available as a jar you should be able to
> reference it in the administrator under the classpath settings.
> Kola

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