without answering your ? i will tell u this
i have 3 medical degrees and ur dipping into something quite serious here
and i wouldnt be trusting my ass to a csv file!!
i would start thinking but writing this to a db with every error catcher u can find. Cause if there is a prob, its u they come after and they dont mess around

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Brant Winter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 20 Sep 2004 15:32:43 +1000

>Now that I have gotten myself to the point I needed to be at this morning
>when I started on this again, I can ask the question I needed to ask 6 hours
>ago !
>I have all of this data, each row has patient details, doctors details, and
>a drug type, qty, dosage etc. I need to generate "electronic" prescriptions
>from this data.
>The basic rules for writing a script are:
>3 Drugs per script only
>No drug can be prescribed twice in one day
>Dangerous Drugs, and Authority drugs are on separate scripts again
>My intention was to use the cfhttp tag to get the csv data and  loop through
>it, starting with the first entry I would make a structure, this would
>resemble an actual piece of paper being a script. This structure would have
>elements being Doctors name, Prescriber Number, Patient Name etc etc, and
>for each of the three drugs on this one piece of paper ( structure ) I would
>have an array within the structure. Once I built up the structure, I could
>then dump it into DB tables for retrieval later on.
>The hardest parts I am stumbling on are:
>Grabbing the patients and looping through the rest of the data. 200 lines of
>data = "" drugs. Do I start the loop, and then try and match the patient
>name to the other 200 rows, count how many occurrences there are on that
>same day from the first row of data ??? If there are 1 - 3 drugs for this
>patient I only need one structure, but if there are 4 - 6 drugs I now need 2
>Araghaghagha just thinking about it doing my head in !
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