On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:46:34 -0700, Matt Robertson
> Is this the utter hogwash that it sounds like?  My take is this is a
> network issue on their end.  they have a "network" parameter in their
> dsnless connection string that I found a little unusual.  Could it be
> an old MDAC?

I'm not an expert on this but I'd definitely be suspicious - I would
want to confirm their MDAC version is up-to-date.

As for deprecating ODBC in favor of OLE DB... no idea where they got
that from. There is a comment in the Advanced Admin guide for CF5 that
"You can often achieve sultry performance levels by running an OLE DB
provider, instead of an ODBC driver, to process SQL. This depends on
how the provider implements the data call. Some providers route OLE DB
calls through the ODBC Driver Manager, while others go directly to the
database. Providers that go directly to the database are akin to
native drivers in providing an alternative to ODBC. Providers are
available for all the major relational DBMS products as well as the
data stores previously mentioned."

The whole OLE DB thing seems awfully suspect to me - performance is
very dependent on the provider and the docs recommend installing
third-party providers so it doesn't exactly seem like a well-supported
option to me.

> The server is a bit over a year old.  The customer bought CF5 directly
> from MM, interestingly.  Didn't know it could still be had then.

Yes, you can still buy ColdFusion 5 from the online store - and that
is clearly listed on the store page for CFMX 6.1...
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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