Just the guy I wanted to hear from.

We have not. I have a bunch of generated .java files
from the sforce web site and I am suggesting that we
just use those. Is that the direction I should take
with this?

It seems to me to be the obvious choice. In fact would
adding all the generated java files be a good thing?
Since I seem to be only having problems with
generating the objects.

Actualy we are right now fighting with dreamweaver and
a proxy generator to look at sforces wsdl file.

-Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is Good

--- Sean Corfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you added the compiled Java class files to your
> CFMX class path?
> On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 13:21:10 -0700 (PDT), Joshua
> OConnor-Rose
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > so if the header in Java says this:
> > ---------------------
> > import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.Account;
> >
> > and then the code does this to create the object:
> >
> > Account account1 = new Account();
> > ---------------------
> > Oh and I'm using SOAP
> > In CF I use
> > <cfset this.sfdc =
> > createObject("webservice",arguments.wsdluri) />
> >
> > How can I generate the Account object in CF.
> >
> > And it seems that I can't access the Account
> object
> > (class?) at all or maybe I'm just being dumb.
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