Most web servers should be set to do automatically what you want this to
do.  If you don't type in any file extension at the end of your URL, it
will be automatically treated like a directory, and will go on to find the
default document in that subdirectory.  Find out what the default document
is for your server, usually index.html if the settings have not been messed
with, and name the page that.  Upload it, and viola!  When you type in, you will get the index.html page automatically.

Actually, if it were me, I would just make up a real quick index.html page,
upload it to the welcome subdirectory, and try out the address.  I bet it
would work without having to mess with any server settings, or finding out
any info about the default document.

Try this:  (I just have a doc named index.html in this subdirectory, I
touched no server settings)

You should get the index page.


At 06:36 AM 10/7/2004, you wrote:
> >daniel is that you mean, or do you actually want a file with no
> >extension called welcome, to be the file that is parsed and brought
> >back to the browser by the cfmx server?
>Ideally that would be even better. But would probably work better as a
>virtual directory or something because I need it to point to some asp
>pages. After the user has typed in /Welcome.... I don't care what happens
>to the url bar.
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