On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 13:08:24 +0200, Jochem van Dieten
> > 2. Are there any rules out there for splitting a database? There are
> > rules, or guidelines really, for how to organize java programs into
> > packages and rules for normalizing a database, but are there any rules
> > for for and when to split a database into separate DB's and/or
> > separate schemas (in the Oracle or PostgreSQL sense)? Or do you simply
> > keep building a database until it reaches whatever the table limit is
> > for your DBMS?
> I think most databases have a table limit that is much higher as
> the answer to question 1.
> Split your databases in schemas based on a logical grouping of
> the data. Group financial information in one schema, group
> employee information in another schema, product information in
> another one etc.

Okay, this makes sense. A follow up question though; can you create
foreign key relationships across schemas in either Oracle and/or
PostgreSQL? The reason for this question is somewhat as follows: you
have a database where the powers that be want everything, and I mean
*everything* to be stored and kept, yet the database contains some
logical seperations (accounting section, employee information, etc)
with logical foreign key references that can cross sections. Example:
you have an employee information section where each employee gets an
employee id, can you then make a foreign key constraint/reference from
the employee schema to the accounting schema?

chris johnston


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something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we
learned to talk."
Pink Floyd
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