I'm looking to do some on-the-fly reports for our Oracle database 
tables.  To begin, I have two questions.

1 - I can query for a list of tables by doing "select * from cat", 
though I picked up this code and don't know what cat stands for.  Is 
there a way to eliminate Sequences from the list of tables it returns 
either during the query or at the time that I make my drop-down in CF?
I also tried "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_TABLES" but that returns 
even more tables though I'm not sure why.

2 - Once I retrieve a list of field names, is there a way to check 
the type of each one?

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD  20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone

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