WOW!  What a thread, I am all FIRED UP now.  I am happy to hear this being
discussed so openly, I think that CF has quite a diverse customer base (as
opposed to java, php, etc) and it causes some confusion, misunderstanding
etc when discussing things like this

Small co. vs. large co.
Small apps vs. enterprise level apps.
Contractors vs. CIO
Little programmer employed by company vs. Evangelist

Etc. etc.

But I would like to say that if anyone is not going to MAX and has anything
specific that they would like to see in the Conference coverage of the CFDJ,
please email me offline. I want to be sure to focus on the topics that
people actually want to hear about. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF developer numbers

one thing I'd like to just mention is that if you're at MAX, there will 
be a lot of Macromedia folks there to talk to about these 
issues/concerns.  Grab Ben if you can.  Go over to the Community Pit - 
the MMUG and Team Macromedia folks will be there.  Also, talk with 
Myself about it - not only for my thoughts and suggestions but because 
this is the kind of thing that CFDJ should be helping to combat.  April 
Fleming is also going to be covering MAX for CFDJ - talk with her.  
Either way, you should definitely let people at Macromedia know about 
what's going on near you and your thoughts on the matter.


Simon Horwith
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
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