
I reiterate; I don't believe that casting a broad net for specious reports,
incomplete data, and hyperbole will serve to solve whatever particular
difficulty ails a given server.  I think most every case is rather unique,
although where common threads are drawn they get turned around into Technote
advisories, documentation, or possibly bug reports.  I think each case needs
to be founded in contextual information. In other words... Show me the data!

Customer applications really do vary widely, and we in Macromedia Support
have the opportunity to see the full breadth of ingenious applications that
emerge from the developer community.  Realize that out of the box, the
ColdFusion and underlying JRun server are tuned as best possible to meet the
general needs of such a diverse audience, where their servers may run on any
possibly configuration within a broad spectrum of configurations limited
only (but not always) by the published System Requirements.  This
encompasses the range of internet protocols, operating system quirks, other
third party software integration.  Further, it is assumed that there is some
basic knowledge of best practices for tuning the CF and JRun servers, and it
is expected that each application will undergo testing to determine the best
server settings configuration for that specific app.  Through Macromedia
Devnet, Livedocs, and Technotes, Macromedia strives to help customer
understand the performance options available.

Even so, it is expected that customers understand their applications and
their context.  Does a public shopping cart app need a SQL statement that is
10 to perhaps 50 lines long, composed of numerous WHEREs, LIKEs, INs, and

Let me illustrate through anecdote some common themes resulting from reports
of server stablility or performance problems:

Q: "I was reviewing your server settings, and I was wondering why general
timeout wasn't enabled?"
R: "Oh, really?  I thought I had set that.  I know I set it appropriately on
the other server"

Q: "Why is that your Simultaneous Request setting is set at 300?"
R: "Well when the server seemed to hang we thought it would help to just
bump that up"

Not knowing the application
Q: "So I found that after you enabled the Log Slow Page setting that
somepage.cfm is chronically reported to run 180-225 seconds.  Can you
account for what in that page is taking up the bulk of that time?"
R: "Oh, I really don't know.  We inherited this application when the
developer quit.  How do we find that out?"

Q: "I've reviewed the thread dumps and found that all web threads are stuck
on the same line of code a specific CFC"
R: "We load tested the application in development but didn't see this CPU
spiking behavior. It's odd that under more load that this should happen, but
at least we know where to look now"

Q: "So your server is down and you have this HotSpot crash log.  I found the
crash was in this function call, and all Google hits for that function call
point to Java on Debian... Oh, you are running on Debian?"

ColdFusion/JRun bug
Q: "Your site is just fine under load all day, but at night it's completely
idle until 4am when your other server spiders it... I found that the thread
dumps contain absolutely no jrpp threads.  That looks like a recent bug just
discovered, and its good that you have a very reproducible case because
we've been lacking that."

Sun bug 
Q: "You found a HotSpot crash log with error code 4F530E43505002EF.  Yes,
we've found this on Sun's bug parade.  Its a known issue in the JVM.  You
can turn off the HotSpot optimizer with -Xint, but that trades stability for

My point here is that when you dig down into the server configuration, the
application, and other raw data, we can most often attribute the problem to
something very specific. Sometimes that turns out to be a bug, and that gets
logged and helps improve the product, and most often a workaround or hotfix
is provided.  Sometimes it turns out to be configuration or code dependent.

Argumentum ad Misericordiam.  Argumentum ad Populum.  Aggregating all
reports of server instability under one heading is not only futile, but
fallacious.  Be diligent during development and staging, and be thorough in
production.  This will usually keep that $5000 consulting fee in your
pocket, although a manicure may still be in order :)


Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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