>And, frankly, I find if very difficult to believe that you've "never had a
>problem". I can see where the use of naming conventions and such would help
>prevent such problems. But to say you've never had a problem -- well, I
>assume you're making use of hyperbole.

Wow, we're in the midst of another list jihad and its not about
FuseBox.  Go figure.

Anyway, he's probably using includes that don't contain a significant
degree of CF logic, which is arguably exactly what a simple display
header/footer is, or should be.

Includes are not brain surgery, and perhaps thats the point.  Use them
for simpler, quickee, in-and-out needs.  Don't build a 5000-line
include loaded with complex logic, fresh variable assignments and 500
output values.  By all means feel free to build one of any size that
*reads* values (from whatever source) and decides what to do based on
the reads.

And of course you can blur the lines as you see fit in between since
you are an intelligent developer who knows how to pick the right tool
for the job.

--Matt Robertson--
President, Janitor
MSB Designs, Inc.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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