What about the "addressVerify" function?  It verifies an email against a
given address - and returns and error code if the email is not associated
with a valid paypal account.  Does your CFX tag support that function?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis Sellers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 8:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: paypal API

Mark A Kruger wrote:
> I'm looking for a Java class or CFC implimentation of the paypal developer
> network API. My purpose is to be able to verify whether someone has a
> paypal account before they are allowed to list products on a site. Does
> anyone have such an animal?

Hmm. The paypal API has, aside from a "tell fortune" function (for
certifice-less connection testing) and BillUser+
(both of which are still in private beta testing) the following functions:

GetTransactionDetails, RefundTransaction, TransactionSearch and, most
recently, MassPay.

I don't see (off hand) how either GTD or RF would help you validate a
paypal account. TS has a lot of options... so many I'd have to look to
make sure first but I don't think it will help either. MassPay (as the
name might suggest) allows you to pay 1-250 registered paypal accounts
(the same dollar amount) at one time. I'd have to look and try it out,
but ... perhaps you could sent a small amount (preferably $0.00) and it
may give you back and error (it should anyway) if their account is not

I'll try it later after "the 5 people you met in heaven" is over.  :)
(I've written a java CFX called CFX_PayPalAPI I can test it against
fairly easily.)

> Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MSCE
> www.cfwebtools.com
> www.necfug.com
> http://blog.mxconsulting.com

--Lewis Sellers (AKA min)
Intrafoundation Software

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

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