On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 08:16:04 -0400, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not going to rehash most of what's been said in that thread.

Er, sure you are. You even repeated Tim Uzzanti's quote *in* *full*!
It's not a case of right or wrong, just that you're not going to get
everyone to agree with you so give it up. Please!

> ASP.NET is taking market away from CF!

As others have said: where is your proof? I don't think you'll find
anything more than anecdotal evidence to support that claim especially
since several studies have shown a healthy growth in CF over the last
year or two. Read a bit further and you'll see that there's a lot of
evidence that Java is still doing much better than .NET - which is
part of the reason behind Microsoft's back-pedalling on a number of
.NET and Longhorn related issues: they're just not seeing .NET be as
successful as they'd planned.

> CF is still outrageous to purchase. The licensing for the .NET SDK is free as 
> is the licensing to deploy.

As others have said: deployment costs are such a minimal part of most
projects. You need to consider the Total Cost of Ownership over the
lifetime of the software.

> I'm not trying to attack CF here, I'm really not.


> I'm just trying to wake people up, because I think we've been lulled to sleep 
> by Blackstone.

I think you do a great disservice to people on this list - and the CF
community in general - by accusing them of being asleep!

> Will MM ever come up with a true development language like .NET?

.NET is not a language. .NET is more comparable to J2EE. You know
J2EE? The platform that CFMX runs on? And those other folks have most
of CFML running on .NET. Try and get your facts straight and compare
like to like.

> I'll plug Tim Uzzanti's comments below.

Again. Yawn!

> Someone mentioned ediet.com which has a traffic ranking of around 280,000 and 
> in comparison CrystalTech is around 23,000. Microsoft.com which is in the top 
> 10 is using ASP.NET and Dell.COM which is in the top 100 is also using ASP.NET

Looks like these numbers come from Alexa (which many people think has
pretty suspect numbers but...). According to Alexa, Macromedia is
ranked about 180 and uses... CFMX! I bet there are quite a few high
traffic sites using CFMX. If you look at the top 200 sites, you'll see
all manner of technologies... You can't draw any conclusions from
that. People can easily write ASP.NET sites that don't scale just like
they can in CFML. But you can also build highly-scalable sites in CFML
- as Ben pointed out, most of the issues preventing scalability are
either bad code or bad configuration (and that's true of all

> There are other factors that one needs to think about when writing an 
> application. Think about the ability to use Threads in .NET. Depending on 
> your application, sitting and processing 10 requests back to back may take 5 
> minutes but if you had the ability to run the 10 tasks concurrently you may 
> be able to respond back to the customer in 30 seconds.

Damon demonstrated Blackstone's ability to run concurrent threads -
see his blog. A sequential task that took 20+ seconds could be run by
Blackstone in 2-3 seconds using concurrent execution.

> You have to realize, .NET isn't just a web based language, it is a 
> Development language

*sigh* Tim clearly doesn't realize that .NET isn't a *language* at all...

I have this horrible feeling this one will run and run... :)
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
Team Fusebox -- http://www.fusebox.org/
Breeze Me! -- http://www.corfield.org/breezeme

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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