I might be off my rocker - but are you implying that you are using cookie as 
the Default Storage Mechanism for Client Sessions? Could I suggest instead that 
you run all your client session requirements to a database instead?

I know that to create Search Engine Friendly URLs ( http://www.peoplefield.org 
and http://www.spankmag.com ) all my href links are actually a custom function 
I wrote so I can automatically append (and pre-append) items to a link (in this 
case adding the /p.htm to everything at the end, and a parsed vaiable to map to 
the correct directory structure, yes I know, not Fusebox sturcture :-) ). But I 
don't think you want to rewirite all your links in the code.

Can you expalain your problems more though about XPSP2? I've not had that 
problem (I think) and if I am, I would like to know more about what you are 

Canada is cold, so ColdFusion is natural to us!

> Hi,
> I am retooling a large CF site and need to append the CFID and CFTOKEN 
> to each request as XPSP2 has locked out a lot of users who aren't 
> allowing cookies.
> There are too many pages to start digging through the links and forms 
> to add the URLTOKEN (unless I really need to). Is it not possible to 
> add some code to application.cfm to automatically do this? I tried 
> with no success and received an "invalid characters in the CFID or 
> CFTOKEN" message.
> Any info appreciated.
> JW 

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