I'm not wanting to point the finger at anyone in particular, but I'm
always astonished at how many people talk about new software products,
without ever saying what it actually DOES!

For example (and its only one example of a great many!),  FLEX was out
for months and months before I could persuade anyone to tell me what
it was for.   Several times I even asked point blank, "What does it
do?",  and got a blank look as though I was some kind of crackpot. 
The quizzical looks said "are you serious?  just download it and find
out for yourself you lazy bugger!"

Microsoft does it a lot too.  We'll get announcement from them that
MSNewWidget2 is out,  but not actually saying what it does.  Or else
giving motherhood statements like "enables users to access their
information easily and rapidly"   They get so close to something while
it's being developed, I think they forget that the rest of us have
been busy with our own lives and don't know .

It's as though simply because it's been released (or more latterly
been made availble on beta) I ought to spend a few hours downloading
and configuring something, in order to find out if I might possibly
use it.


It's not MY responsibility to go to all the trouble to find out what
it does,  if you have a new product, it's YOUR responsibility to TELL
ME what it does, and convince me it's worth my while to go to all the
trouble to get the product and put it on my system.   These days to
look at a software package can be a commitment of several hours.  On
chargeable time, that's several hundred bucks. On my own spare time,
it's worth ten times that because I have precious little of it.

Another example:  I've been hearing about PLUM for ages, but I never
saw anyone saying what it DOES.   I had to go to the PLUM site before
I found a statement saying what it is.   And that was against my
better judgement. If it's too much trouble for the PLUM team to say
what it's for, why should I go to the effort? i have plenty to occupy
my time.

Look this sounds like a rant, and I suppose it is.  But I spent enough
time in sales to know that no one has any obligation to look at your
product.  IF you've gone to all the trouble to make it, it's up to YOU
to tell potential customer/users why they should bother.

Just because it's there and available, is insufficient reason for me
to invest the time and money to go get it, on the off-chance it might
be useful for me.

There.  I feel much better now.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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