On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 17:13:35 -0500, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So is the onTap framework (free that is) -- which does most of what
> PLUM does and some things PLUM doesn't do... it doesn't have an IDE...
> and in looking at the feature list for PLUM it seemed to me like many
> of features mentioned that aren't currently core in the onTap
> framework could be implemented in the onTap framework in a matter of
> minutes. I'll admit I haven't looked at PLUM very deeply, I've just
> skimmed the feature list, etc. but it wasn't a jaw-dropper for me.

Some bold assertions. When you install it and properly evaluate it,
maybe only then would it be appropraite for you to comment on it, and
does not necessarily have to be in contrast with your tool.


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