ahhh...didn't know you could do this with JMX....don't know if I'd feel comfy 
with this in a production environment...but just my 2 cents from working with 
JMX in the past :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Norloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 13, 2004 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Using a J2EE Application Server

Using CFMX on J2EE lets you move into existing J2EE environments. It lets you 
use both CFMX and Java developers to build your application(s). 

It can allow you to use CFMX for rapid-prototyping, then build in Java as you 

With the use of J2EE Session Management, you can fully integrate CFMX and Java 
apps as CFMX & Java share one session and identifier (jsessionid, and the HTTP 
session object).

J2EE is just middle-tier, you still need a web server. Apache (modified) is 
used as the web server with WebSphere and Oracle Application Server.


Chris Norloff

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Andrew Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:56:30 +0000

>Hi All.
>I'm looking for a little bit of information. In what case would you
>use CFMX on a J2EE platform? We current have a server using CFMX &
>Apache on RedHat. What does using the J2EE platform give me and do the
>J2EE replace Apache as the webserver or do you still need that?
>Thanks for any information anyone can provide.
>Best Regards

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