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> >Okay...
> >Last time now...
> >This is your server [holds up egg].
> >This is your server with out locking [*sizzle*].
> >Any questions?....
> >*snip* < <
> Thanks for the extensive explanation.  A couple finer points still
> aren't quite clear to me.  When you say "will lock all of your
> session vars", from the rest of your explanation, I gather you
> don't 
> mean all of
> the session variables from all sessions in all applications running
> on the server, just all of the variables from one particular 
> user's session
> within that particular application.

The lock only applies to the current session.  Under 4.5.1, you do
that with scope="session"; under 4.0.1, with
name="#Session.SessionID#".  You can still have a million sessions
executing at the same time, but only one exclusive lock for each of
those sessions will be executing.
> When you talk about thousands of users hammering an application, I
> can certainly envision this.  But it would seem to me that session
> (and client) variables are the least endangered shared data, since 
> each user
> has his/her own set.  It's of course possible for a user to have
> multiple windows open, or you might have an application using 
> framesets
> that reference the same session variables, but the chances for
> contention would still seem to be pretty low.  I'm not arguing
> against locking, just trying to understand "who" is contending for 
> these shared
> variables.

You've got it exactly there.  Application & server vars carry the
worst risk of multiple accesses.  Multiple browsers, frame sets, and
anywhere that a single page might spawn more than one CF request (via
JScript, or using img src="*.cfm") are all chances for contention on
session vars.  Multiple access to session vars don't happen all
*that* often, but you still need to lock for just such an occasion. 

> The CF docs state: "For session variables, you must assign the
> session ID for the lock name."  Is that "must" as in "required by
> the server", or "must" as in "this is what we recommend".  

"Must" as in that's what the guy writing the docs was told & didn't
know any better...  You can also use the CFID/CFTOKEN as a locking
name.  Basically anything that's guranteed to be unique across
sessions is safe.  SessionID just happens to be a really convenient
choice.  And of course that's all moot under 4.5.1 with scoped

> Could a 
> developer gain in
> locking granularity by extending the lock name as in
> name="#session.sessionid#_variablename"?

Hmmm....   Now that's one I don't know.  I would *suspect* that the
entire session structure for a particular session must be locked for
safety, so I don't think that granular locking would be safe.  I
don't have any hard evidence to support that, but given the way the
C++ works and how Allaire would likely have coded things, I believe
that's correct.  No way to tell for sure without source...

Hope that's helpful.

Best regards,
Zac Bedell

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