>Why are you even updating it - if you're just setting it back to the same 
>created date? Also, you can use oracles default "sysdate" right in your 
>table definition so that you don't have to add a date at all - if you are 
>really just tracking the added date and not the updated date.

I'm updating it because initially, the 603 records (giving tree leaves) that I 
need are previously entered as blank.  I then do an "insert" through an update. 
 In this case though, they can change their leaf number, so I "update" the 
previous one to blank and "update" another to have the new date, so I'm 
basically carrying the info over to a different record..  So it's not the same 
date, but really overwriting the null value of the "new" record (wow lotsa 
quotes in this reply).

And right, I should've used sysdate instead of now(), but I didn't think of it 
as I did the writing.

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