After switching a cold fusion application from an access database to mysql I have some strange problems that I am not 100% sure on. Image issues no thumbnails showing up I assume it's related to the original storage location of the images. However one issue I can't seem to correct and has me stumped there is a time/date stamp that is recorded anytime a bid for an item is submitted. In access this was working fine no issues and no problems what so ever. Under mysql this snip of code.
TIME: #TimeFormat(now(), 'HH:MM:SS')#<br> DATE: #DateFormat(now(), 'MM/DD/YYYY')#<br> </em> <br> <br> <span style="size: 9px;">Please do not respond to this email.</span> </span> </cfmail> <cfset theTime = TimeFormat(now(), "HH:MM:SS")> <cfset theDate = DateFormat(now(), "MM/DD/YYYY")> <cfquery name="createItemNotes" datasource="#DS#"> INSERT INTO tblItemNotes (itemID, itemStatusID, itemListPrice, locationID, itemNotes, agent, dateEntered, timeEntered) VALUES (#getItemDetail.itemID#, #getItemDetail.itemStatusID#, #getItemDetail.itemListPrice#, #getItemDetail.locationID#, 'OFFER SUBMITTED<br> BY: #form.OfferName#<br> CONTACT INFO: #form.offercontact#<br> AMOUNT: $#form.offeramount#', 'WEB USER', '#theDate#', '#theTime#') Now to test this problem I have submitted offers on items today and then run a report that checks for current open bids and the bids I placed today are coming up with a November 30th 2002 date stamp this has left me completely boggled and I don't understand what could be causing this issue. I have verified all time/dates on all servers that are used for this application/database are reporting correct time and date. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: