Ben Rogers wrote:

>>Unfortunately it's easier for them that way -- and I suspect it
>>precedes another round of large numbers of heavily IE only,
>>non-standard features for use with the new XML in Longhorne. Doesn't
>>Mozilla do something similar with XUL now tho? The big difference
>>being that Mozilla isn't selling it as the only way to integrate with
>>a monolithic operating system that dominates a good share of the
>>business market. At least as far as I know -- I could be completely
>>off-base, just been my impression from what I've read/heard.
> Yeah, there's been quite a bit of talk about "why didn't Microsoft just use
> XUL". The answer from Microsoft seems to be that XUL/CSS wasn't designed for
> rendering desktop applications. I think it's roughly the same argument for

<scratches head> Uh, then what are the various Moz apps and Komodo?
Methinks whoever came up with that excuse has been smoking something...

>>Thanks for the links... First one I've read... second one... well...
>>dunno... I'm just not ready to drop $90 for 6 months of access to a
>>site I don't know if I'll use much.
> Sorry about that. I don't think I've subscribed to that site. In fact, I'm
> using an OS I just installed a month ago, so I'm pretty sure that site
> doesn't remember me. Oh well, it was just more of the same.
>>Thanks Ben! Not bad at all! Much better than I was able to
> No problem. After a recent argument...errr...ummm...debate on this list,
> I've decided to try and create a fully XHTML/CSS 2.1 compliant design. So,
> to make a long story short, I'm trying to solve some of the same problems.
> :)

Nudge, wink, don't forget to look at that code I posted up. All
XHTML/CSS goodness. But, of course, IE6 requires the IE7 hacks to get
it to work.


Keith Gaughan, Developer
Digital Crew Ltd., Pembroke House, Pembroke Street, Cork, Ireland

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