On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 11:39:22 -0500, Jeff Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <cfset init()>

Be wary of calling functions from the pseudo-constructor - if the CFC
is accessed in any way, including the doc browser, it will execute
this and call the function. In general I recommend *not* calling
init() automatically in the CFC but requiring users of the CFC to call
init() at construction time:

<cfset obj = createObject("component","mycfc").init()/>

> <cffunction name="init" access="private" output="false" returntype="string"
> displayname="Initializes my object and creates the datasource variable">

Normally, people would expect init() to be public and return an
instance of the CFC itself:

<cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" returntype="mycfc"
hint="Initializes my object and created the datasource variable">

>     <cfset variables.DSN = "myDataSourceName">
>     <cfreturn variables.DSN>

<cfreturn this/>

> </cffunction>
> I know I could make it so that you have to pass the datasource variable name
> in to the function, but I figured, I can always just change it in one place
> in my CFC, and it's good to go...right?

Yes, that's a reasonable argument. You could even give init() an
optional argument to allow users to override the DSN without code

<cfargument name="DSN" type="string" default="myDataSourceName"/>
<cfset variables.DSN = arguments.DSN/>

> That should suit my needs, right? If I want a variable that's available to
> all the functions in my CFC...right? Am I thinking the "right way"?

With the caveats about expectations for the init() function, yes,
you're on the right track.
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
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