> So am I to understand correctly...that you can ONLY chain methods that
> return "this"? Or that if your init function returns an object then all
> methods can be chained? I'm reading all of this conversation as the former
> (the first one) meaning that if you WANT to be able to chain a method,
> that
> method needs to return "this".

If you want to chain method calls on the same object, all of the methods in
question must return "this":


In this example, you have a person component with methods setFirstName and
setLastName. Each of those methods is returning "this". The long way to
accomplish the above is:


In the other example posted, multiple CFCs are involved:

  Name = Session.SessionCFC.getUserCFC().getName()

In this example, the getUserCFC() method belongs to the SessionCFC
component. It is returning a UserCFC component, not "this". The getName()
method belongs to the UserCFC component, not the SessionCFC component.

The longer way to accomplish the above would be:

  User = Session.SessionCFC.getUserCFC()
  Name = User.getName()

Ben Rogers


Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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