>>> In high traffic eComm sites I have seen superb performance using the
>>> method described.

>> There are plenty of reasons why you might choose Client variables or
>> other database storage over Session variables.

To expand on Dave's statement the times you would want Client variables over
memory (session) variables for storage is when the application needs to
operate in a cluster of web servers.  Sharing memory (session) variables
then become impracticable.

>> My point was simply that storing data in memory will perform better
>> than storing it in a database, all other things being equal.

Even though he actually did, it just goes without saying: memory is faster
than I/O.

Best Regards,

Dennis Powers
UXB Internet- A Website Design and Hosting Company
690 Wolcott Road - P.O. Box 6028
Wolcott, CT 06716    tel: (203)879-2844

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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