The operations side of the house has recently built a windows 2000 server with 
exchange server 2000.  Its an outsourced box at a server farm in Texas (good 
place for a farm).  
I've written a simple piece of code that creates a maillist with my email 
address 1,000 times. 
<cfset maillist = "">
<cfloop condition="counter lt 1000">
<cfif listlen(maillist)>
 <cfset maillist = maillist & ", " & [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 <cfset counter = counter +1>
 <cfset maillist = [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 <cfset counter = counter +1>
I then use cfmail to loop over the list and send me 1,000 messages.  
 <cfloop list="#maillist#" index="i">
  <cfmail to="#i#" from=" [EMAIL PROTECTED]" subject="#getMessages.Subject#" 
type="html" server="MyExchangeServer">
The CF page runs in about 13 seconds.
It then takes the exchange server about 17 minutes to send off the 1,000 
That's  only 3529 messages an hour.  There is no way in hell a spam house can 
be profitable sending out 3500 messages and hour.  I get offers to send out 1 
million emails for $150.00 all the time.  At 3,500 an hour that would take over 
285 hours (nearly 12 days).  Something has got to be wrong.  
Note: I am not bulding this to send out spam.  We are trying to send out a 
newsletter type email to 25,000 opt in users.
Anyone got any ideas?  Being the CF runs in 13 seconds I doubt it is on the cf 
side.  Anyone familar with Windows Exchange server?
Ken Ketsdever
Web Developer <> 
(916) 453-3718

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