One thing to keep in mind is Oracle is case sensitive where if I
remember right MSSQL is not?  So something like WHERE BLAH = 'foo'
returns something different than WHERE BLAH = 'FoO'   I know some
people just do oracles upper function on the BLAH in order to get
around this, then of course a CF's upper function on the other side. 
Only problem with that is if you are accessing a table with a lot of
rows, Oracle ends up doing its upper function on the entire column
which can slow things down a bit when running the query.

Aaron Rouse

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 14:19:40 -0000, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> Your queries should be long as you are not using any Oracle
> Specific SQL commands......though really apart from some quirky join syntax
> you should all be good.
> If you are simply sticking to Insert, delete etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 07 January 2005 14:14
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CF - switching from MS-SQL to Oracle (neq Neo, Morpheus, Trinity)
> Hi guys,
> I'm about to start on a new project at my current contract for which i've
> had them buy CF (and for once i didn't take too much convincing).
> In the past (and present) I connect to an MS-SQL database which i've grown
> to love.
> At work however, it's all Oracle.  I've connected it using the CF
> Administrator and am using TOAD to add tables etc.
> Before i start coding i'm wondering if my CFQUERYies will be different to
> those I have created for MS-SQL in anyway?
> Thanks for your help,
> Stu
> ps: also, does anyone know how to create an incremental number for an INT in
> TOAD (it's for an PK id)?

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