On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 08:09:34 -0800, Sean Corfield
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:16:48 +0800, James Holmes
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  "Can you afford the upgrade?" is another question worth asking. At least
> > FOP and some of the other solutions are free :-)
> free as in beer? I suspect there's quite a bit of time and work
> involved in learning to use FOP and setting it up on top of your CF
> server.
> The ability to just wrap your code in <cfdocument format="pdf"> is
> worth quite a bit. And you can easily add page headers / footers. And
> of course you can generate FlashPaper just as easily if you want.
> People need to look a little deeper at the costs involved in some of
> this free stuff...

FOP is not too hard but...

I totally agree with you Sean, there are extra costs (mostly in time)
to using quite a bit of free software. The trouble is, if you want
$5.00 and I don't have $5.00 I have $1.00, what choice do I have? It's
not that people and companies are cheap, most of us just simply don't
have the capital right now - and it's easier to get Larry to work an
extra 5 hours getting OpenWidget to work then it is to get the CIO to
let me by ClosedWidgetXQ.

The economy for everyone but the top 2% still very much sucks.

However, I would assume the Blackstone upgrade would be around the
same cost as most other CFMX upgrades which if I recall was quite

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