On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 13:51:17 -0400, Gel. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you implying that because of Eclipse's entry into the marketplace, 
> Macromedia will not be updating Dreamweaver MX to fix the bugs and add better 
> functionality?

I don't have any affiliation with MM, but I can pretty solidly state
that that assertion is crazy talk - if some one was indeed implying

> As far as I can see, Eclipse doesn't replace MX, it seeks to replace Homesite 
> and CF Studio perhaps.

I am assuming you are talking about cfeclipse - Our main focus (Spike
please chime in if I am way off)  was to create an environment that is
awesome for the "hand coder". Somewhere you can compile a cfx tag,
then start the server with one click, and write a cfc around it. Most
of the developers that have worked on it were / are CFStudio fans so
that does show through, but we are not specifically going after people
who love dreamweaver. The people who dislike dreamweaver, need to have
java at their finger tips, or are used to enterprise software but
still want to use cfml might want to check it out. (Eclipse is
enterprise level and CFEclipse is getting there)

> And regardless of how good a developer you are, having a useful, functional 
> IDE helps you immensely when coding and designing an application. Any good 
> developer operating with deadlines in the real world knows that.

Its true that good tools help, but in the end would you rather have 3
really good coders using notepad or 3 half ass coders using a million
dollar IDE on your team?

> > Still, I understand MM's stance that once open-source candidates
> > emerge in the category, it becomes a difficult if not impossible
> > proposition to invest in proprietary software to compete in the space.
> >

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