Homesite+ is legacy code, a Windows-only IDE. Supporting CFEclipse or 
DreamWeaver enhancements to add in the features that you like about HS+ is a 
more realistic goal, IMHO. I like HS+, but it no longer makes sense to support 
platform-dependent environments. I'd love to use Linux as my desktop OS for 
development, but I'm still hooked into HS+ until CFE matures or someone else 
comes along with another product. 

I think it's a worthy goal to work on stuff like syntax highlighters for HS+, 
but what is the size of the audience for something like PHP support in HS+? I 
just don't think you'll get any traction.

>Would it be worthwhile starting a Sourceforge project to promote
>Homesite and to centralize development of Homesite enhancements?
>I'm personally sick of Dreamweaver, I don't really like Eclipse (it
>isn't helped by some plugin developers not hosting their files
>correctly) and don't like any of the tonnes of other HTML editors out
>there.  So I'm back to Homesite but need some improvements in its
>handling of XHTML, PHP, CFML, etc.  A Sourceforge project where everyone
>could contribute in a centralized location would reduce duplicate
>efforts (only need one PHP syntax highlighter, etc) and give people a
>one-stop-shop for what they needed.
>So, what do y'all thing?  Would it be worth my time trying this?
>Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
>#include <stdjoke.h>

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