> Here's a conceptual question. Lets say you have a query with multiple rows
> in it. There is a few calculations that will take place between items in a
> row to get some additional values per row (i.e. a discount price, etc.).
> One way of doing this is when outputting the query, you send the specific
> data to a CFC (It's used in multiple places) and get out a structure. This
> means that a 20 row query has 20 calls to the CFC.
> Another way of doing it is to pass the whole query to a CFC which will
> loop over the query, do the calculations and then place the results into
> columns within the query.
> The first has a single loop but multiple CFC calls while the second has 2
> loops (inside the CFC and out) but a single CFC call.
> Which do you prefer? Do you see a problem with either approach?

If the query data came straight from a database rather than being a QoQ or
something , then I would prefer to do all the calculations in the original
SELECT statement, maybe in a stored procedure - is that an option?


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