I can't answer for the Eclipse project itself, but we plan to support 
FTP and SFTP through something similar to the existing Navigator view.

The basic idea being that you can right-click on a file and folder and 
choose get/put/synchronize. When you choose one of those options you are 
presented with a dialog box that allows you to specify the FTP server 
and relative path details. If you have previously performed an FTP 
operation on that file/folder, or one of it's ancestors in the project 
tree, those details will be prefilled in the dialog. We might also keep 
a history of FTP connections  per tree location so you can choose push 
to a staging server or to a live server for example without having to 
remember and type in the connection details for each.


Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
>>From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>There is no way to use RDS (if that's what you need). To use FTP with
>>the stable version you can "import" and "export" projects (you may
>>have to get the FTP and WebDav plugin -  Help>Software Updates>Find
>>and Install... and look in the Eclipse.org bookmark).
>>If you are using the non-stable you can use the "file explorer view"
>>to edit remote ftp files, but you can not create / delete remote files
>>Right now, for the sites I have to upload, I code local and then use
>>Ant or Fugu (a separate tool) to upload them - I consider it to be
>>better practice to code local and only upload when done, but I know
>>reality is not always that kind.
>>So - long way around - if you're not using FTP you can't
> Thanks Rob.
> No RDS desires here... only FTP :-)
> I will check into the FTP options..
> What are the long terms plans for remote file support in eclipse, any idea?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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