On Feb 7, 2005, at 11:02 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:

> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 01:46:33 -0400, Ryan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> Do I understand correctly that one can use the free developer version 
>> of CFMX 7, build Coldfusion apps, and then deploy them to a server 
>> which has Tomcat running and they will work?  All without shelling 
>> out for CFMX software for the server?
> When you package up an application with the CF runtime, you can enter
> a serial number. If you do not enter a serial number, the resulting
> WAR file will be a developer edition.


Are you sure about this?

I have been told, maybe lead to believe is more like it, that you can't 
redistro CFMX without a license agreement (fee implied).

If what you say is true, than one can package & redistro a 
single-user-plus 2, full-feature,  Enterprise, CF Runtime (j2ee 

That is exactly what we do with CFEverywhere apps-- redistro a CF 
runtime (BDJ2ee in our case) with Jetty and Derby.

CFMX7 runs fine in this environment, with the exception that it won't 
run from CD (CFMX7 does a write of the license.properties file at 

Also, your earlier posts indicate that the deployment can include CFML 
source and/or the user can add CFML source of his own.

I'd like clarification on these 2 points (redisrto andsource), as it 
could give developers another option when creating CFEverywhere apps,




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