> > > Because they want a J2EE app not a ColdFusion app.
> > Which is just a matter of semantics, correct?
> Perhaps, but it's important to some people.

I wholeheartedly agree and understand. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not
missing something. :)

> You're missing the point. The scenario is that you create an
> application that is going to be packaged and distributed as a J2EE
> application. You do not want or need to expose the entire CF Admin as
> part of that application - you've already set up all the admin
> settings when you packaged the app for deployment. The app might need
> some configuration after deployment - perhaps a data source setup,
> perhaps your app is only coded to support MySQL and SQL Server - so
> you build a simple admin that allows the purchaser of your packaged
> app to configure the app to talk to their existing MySQL or SQL Server
> database.

I'm not so sure that I'm missing the point so much as confirming that this
feature is not terribly useful for what we do (right now). That's not a bad
thing. But, the reason I'm asking these questions is that I'm trying to
figure out how ColdFusion EAR/WAR file deployment applies to what we do. It
doesn't seem like it offers us much over traditional deployment. That's
fine. If it offers other (J2EE) shops something and helps sell ColdFusion
licenses, that's good too. :)

> > disable the ColdFusion administrator? You'd lose access to the log file
> > viewer, the ability to dump settings, etc.
> And these have what relevance to a packaged, deployed J2EE application?

As a Macromedia employee working on internal projects, I can see why you'd
ask that question. In my previous message to Dave, I described a scenario
that's more common for us, one that involves dozens of consultants on site
"deploying" applications that I've written. Any tool that could help
programmers troubleshoot and solve problems that consultants are running
into in the field is essential.

Ben Rogers

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application


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