>Are there any advantages in running Website over the native IIS5 with

Oh great, now you did it. This thread won't die for a week or two. :)

I've run both (and Apache for that matter). IIS can't handle as many domains
on a single server as WebSite. This has to do with the intigration of IIS
into NT, specifically in regards to security. As always, integration has its
pros and cons.

WebSite seems to handle pure CGI apps much better than IIS. However, (and
this comes from personal experience and therefore cannot be verified by
statistics :P) ISAPI seems to be faster and more powerful than WSAPI. For
this matter, and the fact that I don't run that many domains on a single
server, I only run ColdFusion sites on IIS. In fact, I saw a tremendous
performance gain switching my ColdFusion sites from WebSite to IIS to the
extent that competitors were asking what we had done to our service to speed
it up. :)

There are some other things to think about as well. If you may need to
support ASP pages, you'll definitely want to go with IIS. Another
consideration is SSL keys. An SSL key can be moved from one server to
another as long as they are running the same Web server. This would suggest
that you go with the product with a greater user base (both now and in the
future). This would be an argument in favor of IIS which holds 20% of the
market as oposed to WebSite which holds .5% of the market. Of course, the
natural extension to this argument is to use Apache (60%). :)

>From a managability standpoint, IIS has more anoying little habits like the
naming the logs directory "W3SVC#." Although I'm not a big fan of the MMC
(the app framework from which you manage IIS) the interface from which
WebSite is managed is horendous.

One of the best arguments in IIS's favor is that it is free (with the
purchase of the operating system of course). But, as far as support goes,
you're on your own. You've got the mailing lists, the news groups, a couple
books, and the MSKB. If you fork out the cash for WebSite, you have what I
consider to be the best tech support in the industry.

Sorry about the long winded answer.

Benjamin S. Rogers
Web Developer, c4.net
voice: (508) 240-0051
fax: (508) 240-0057

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