Joe, you're completely missing *everything* about Plum, the way it works,
what it contains, how applications are organized, and how Plum applications
are written.

Please, before you go spreading FUD due to a lack of understanding, please
either seriously learn about the product or at least try not to prejudice
others who haven't even looked yet.


Adam Phillip Churvis
Member of Team Macromedia

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Rinehart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Plum vs Adalon?

> > > Plum uses Fusebox too?..
> >
> > Plum has a much more comprehensive framework than Fusebox does.
> This is like comparing apples and oranges.  Fusebox is a framework for
> organizing your application into logical segments, especially if you
> use it in an MVC manner.  As far as I'm concerned, Fusebox is a much
> more comprehensive framework that Plum, in that Fusebox provides a
> structure for your application.  Plum, on the otherhand, seems to
> create an XML file used to generate a bunch of code that makes use of
> the Plum tag library.  There's not much seperating between view and
> logic, which I think is kind of dangerous.  Of course, please correct
> me if I'm wrong.
> I can see Plum being useful for basic, CRUD applications, but for
> heavy lifting and business logic, I have a fear it'd encourage
> spaghetti code and the general "let's stick it all in the top of .cfm
> page" mentality that's caused a lot of headaches.
> -- 
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