On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 10:13:25 -0500, Michael T. Tangorre
> > From: Damien McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > What about PostgreSQL?
> Interesting you mention that. I was just about to ask the list about it...
> who is using it... their impressions. I just downloaded it after reading
> some articles on it last night.

I like PostgreSQL a lot, but until recently the fact that it didn't
run reliably on Windows (I mean, cmon, installing under Cygwin?!!?)
made it a hard-sell to replace MS-SQL Server, while MySQL has been
running reliably on Windows for quite a while.

PostgreSQL and MySQL are fundamentally different animals. MySQL
originally came out of a data warehousing project as a replacement for
msql (and old open source db) and is missing a number of features
(transactions, views, stored procs, triggers) that have been slowly
added in as it moves into more enterprise situations (and gains more
mindshare). PostgreSQL was more of a direct replacement for Oracle, et
al, and thus has had far better support for heavily OLTP-oriented

I personally keep both in my toolbox (and MS-SQL for some projects as
well). Considering the nature of most web applications, I find MySQL
handles just about everything that's necessary. Postgresql I think
about more for serious enterprise applications where OLTP is far more
crucial (though there's no inherent reason MySQL Innodb tables can't
handle that).

I think the cost issue is a moot point (over the course of a project,
the difference between "free" and $5-10k/proc for a MS-SQL unlimited
license), especially when you factor in *moving* to MySQL from MS-SQL
and the related training and productivity costs. But if you're
thinking of scaling out or distributing/selling an application, it's a
lot easier to pay $495/server (for the optional commercial, supported
license of MySQL) thatn $5k+/processor for MS-SQL.

Of course there's other open source options like Firebird and Derby
(formerly IBM Cloudscape) that are interesting to use as well....

John Paul Ashenfelter

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