I'm trying to create a custom tag (a panel), that just creates a cfform 
with some divs in it and a standard button layout. This seemed natural 
to me after seeing the petmarket example that used a wrapper to set up 
the default html.

First let me show you my way simplified code I made for testing:

Here is the custom tag (panel.cfm) :

<cfparam name="attributes.title" default="Form Title">
<cfparam name="attributes.action" default="">
<cfparam name="attributes.buttons" default="ok,cancel,apply">

<cfswitch expression="#thisTAG.executionmode#">
        <cfcase value="start">
                <CFFORM ACTION="#attributes.action#" METHOD="POST">
        <cfcase value="end">


And here is my use in a cfm page:

<!-- Site Wide Custom Tags-->
<cfimport prefix="globaladmin" taglib="/extensions/customtags">

<!--- Page Output --->
<globaladmin:wrapper format="default">
        <globaladmin:panel ACTION="index.cfm">
                User Name: <CFINPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="username" MESSAGE="Please 
your username"
                Password: <CFINPUT TYPE="Password" NAME="password" 
is required"



The Error I get is:
  Context validation error for tag CFFORM.
The end tag </CFFORM> encoutered on line 10 at column 19 requires a 
matching start tag.

I see what the problem is, but there must be someway to pull this off. 
I was really looking forward to using some of the flash form elements.

Is this just impossible or am I missing something simple

Thanks in advance!


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