Thanks Adam.  Lets suppose I havent got a clue what I'm talking about.
 (It's possible.  My wife is convinced of that and reminds me

How come I have now tried to install CF7 a dozen times and it's never
worked, and there's nothing anywhere that helps me find out what's
wrong?  Where are the Macromedia support pages to help people like me
who can't seem to muster the intelligence to install an application,
even after over 24 years of experience on PCs and another 12 years on
other computers before that?

And what about all the other people who are watching this exchange
carefully, waiting for a resolution  because it might help them in the
same predicament?

I'm not saying CF7 never installs correctly.   But it sure wouldn't
install for me.

When I had install problems with CFMX6.0 on our server machine, it
took three WEEKS or my hassling and whinging and complaining and
making a bloody nuisance of myself before someone from Macromedia
popped their head up and acknowledged that perhaps I had a problem.  
As a result, they discovered that CFMX6 wouldnt install on a common
server configuration at the time and required a 256 colour graphics
card.    AND it turned out that DOZENS of others were having the same
problem.  And no one at Macromedia had noticed that when they changed
the install program they used, that the minimum spec for the target
machine had changed.

I'm not prepared ot accept that just because it installs ok for you,
that it's MY fault that it doesnt install for me.   Not yet anyway.  
It might be my fault, but if all those thousands of others can install
it ok, why can't I?   I want to know the answer to that question and
i'm surprised you dont too.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month.

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 08:35:52 -0500, Adrocknaphobia
> Mike, I really don't mean to be rude, but I think your statements are
> way off. Most likely this problem is between the monitor and the
> chair. I'm running your same setup, in addition to 4 other setups
> without problem.
> -Adam

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