Do you even have your CISSP?


On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 12:53:05 -0500, John Paul Ashenfelter
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:24:58 -0000, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Agreed, that original statement reeks of idiocy itself.
> How many of your servers have open, externally accessible MS-SQL
> ports? Maybe you should go open your MS-SQL box to the world because
> you certainly wouldn't be an idiot to keep it open, right?
> Ignoring *fundamental* security issues is at best, negligent. Ignoring
> know, common, dangerous, documented, publicized security issues seems
> to me to count as "idiotic" but you can call it "poor practice",
> "negligent", "a mistake" or some other less offensive word if you need
> to.
> > From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > As an aside, there are *plenty* of ways to scan for open SQL
> > > Sever ports on your network to find those MSDE installs,  so
> > > I'll maintain that anyone with an unsecured SQL Server of any
> > > type is, in fact, and idiot.
> >
> > That's all well and good, but many people using products which include MSDE
> > aren't network administrators, and don't know about port scanning or any
> > other things that network administrators might know about, and they
> > shouldn't have to know those things. Not knowing things like this doesn't
> > make one "and idiot".
> That's true, not "and idiot", but "an idiot" :)
> If they are putting a server on a naked Internet connection with an
> external address, they certainly *should* be aware of basic security.
> Even "normal" home users are aware of the need for firewall (and av)
> software. A $40 dsl/cable/etc router contains a decent enough firewall
> to protect a MS-SQL server behind it with no more work than plugging
> it in and turning it on.
> Seriously, running any externally facing app without basic security
> precautions makes you *not* an idiot? The level of even basic
> security-awareness should be part of every developer's toolbox -- at
> least any one worth hiring. And the excuse that "I didn't know MSDE
> was part of the application" or "I'm not a sysadmin" is a pretty poor
> one. How hard is the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer to use? How
> hard is it to read the docs?
> Of course securing the port doesn't prevent weak passwords. Or the
> possiblilty of SQL Injection attacks. Or any of a myriad other common
> security weaknesses.
> The assumption that "I didn't know" is an acceptable excuse relating
> to security, whether it's configuration (e.g. firewall settings) or
> code (e.g. SQL injection vunerabilities) is a key reason why people
> get cracked. And frankly, I care less about someone with poor security
> getting hacked (something along the lines of "getting what you
> deserve") than what their zombie server can do to my sites or one of
> the sites I count on -- or about the consequences of the use/misuse of
> my data they're storing.
> When a security issue can affect *me*, then I've got a stake in making
> sure people do the right thing -- I think security is black and white
> (you don't see a "Grey Hat" security conference...) Maybe there are
> varying *degrees* of security idiocy, but all things considered, I'll
> err on the side of spending the time/money/effort on security instead
> of taking the risk of being a victim of the "security is too hard"
> syndrome.
> --
> John Paul Ashenfelter
> CTO/Transitionpoint
> (blog)

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