LOGO!!!  w00t!  I recall that, got my teething done on a TI994A.  Man
that cassette was fast!


On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 16:43:35 -0500, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just wanted to try and gauge where I'm at right now in
> > terms of programming  prowess by having everyone offer
> > their experience with programming in general and CF. What
> > most of you do is pretty amazing to me, so I'd like to
> > know where I stand and what I need to do to get more like
> > you guys!
> > Me - 2 years programming - 2 years CF
> Programming in general since roughly... 83...
> You probably shouldn't count that -- my folks sent me to a private
> school and my dad was working for TI at the time who donated a number
> of their computers to the school where we were taught some basic
> programming in LOGO in 3rd grade. It's not so much "programming
> experience" as it is simply having had exposure from a very early age
> at a time when exposure to computers at an early age wasn't
> commonplace like it is now with Disney and Sesame Street (iirc
> Children's Entertainment Network) branded "learning" video games.
> Several subsequent grade-school and high-school classes which covered
> GW Basic and Pascal.
> HTML/JavaScript since 1994, CF/CSS since 1998.
> To be honest most of my JavaScript skills have been acquired more
> recently -- I was never fond of it until a few years ago.
> Flash in the last 2-3 years.
> XML -- depends on your definition. IIRC I was using WDDX with CF 4.
> Don't remember when that was exactly... though I was a bit slow to
> adopt CFMX and the new XML features in it -- less out of a lack of
> interest than simply being busy with other things and having a lack of
> need for XML.
> I've picked up XSL transformations just in the past month or so and
> while I'm no expert, I still think XSL has some "growing up" to do. It
> has great potential, but some things like case-sensitivity are just
> not well thought out (attribute values, not the names of elements and
> attributes -- i.e. type="Hidden" is not the same as type="hidden" when
> you're trying to update some legacy html and the only work-arounds are
> clunky as of yet). Attributes can be selectively coppied easily
> enough, but selectively _removing_ an attribute during a translation
> afaik has no easy solution. But now I'm getting off on a tangent. :)
> Java -- I'd only read about it until CFMX -- some years back before I
> learned ColdFusion I tought myself enough C++ that I could create and
> navigate "linked lists" with it -- a concept which is generally
> outmoded now by the advent of readily accessible database access. I
> was able to muddle my way through the creation of a small command-line
> driven (DOS) application at the time, but never could figure out how
> the connection to the interface in Windows applications really worked.
> Which may have a lot to do with my having been handcuffed by having
> only an outdated version of MicroSoft Visual C++ to work with (as
> opposed to something like a later version of Borland C++ Builder).
> I nearly learned Delphi for the purpose of creating desktop
> applications -- and there are times even now that I think it might be
> nice to be able to build a desktop app, although Java still doesn't
> have the shallow learning curve of CF for creating cross-platform
> desktop apps, .NET is obviously not cross-platform, and even if I had
> a good high-level cross-platform desktop language to build in, I'm not
> sure I'd ever find or make the time to actually learn it to create
> desktop apps. BlueDragon might actually be that solution (CFML for the
> desktop -- they do it from CD, why not?) -- but I've been too busy to
> really investigate it.
> But again I digress. My knowledge / experience with OO is more
> theoretical than experiential. I am an OO proponent, just not a
> zealot. When I first started learning ColdFusion a lot of the things I
> worked on with it in my spare time were attempts to reclaim some of
> the more useful things I'd learned about OO from teaching myself C++,
> which ultimately culminated in my creating an OO implementation in CF
> for a content management application I was trying to sell which no-one
> ever bought (or used) and then worked its way back around to my
> developing the onTap framework for free as a result of some of the
> more innovative features of the CMS which actually were not OO
> features oddly enough. :)
> anyway, I'm rambling and really should be getting back to work
> :)
> s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
> add features without fixtures with
> the onTap open source framework
> http://macromedia.breezecentral.com/p49777853/
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=48229&DE=1
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=44477&DE=1
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=45569&DE=1
> http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=48229&DE=1
> http://www.fusiontap.com

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