
I don't know whats taken place as i only jump in / out of this list
when it suites me (sorry) but, the other day on another CF List
(CFAussie) I actually got in trouble for mentioning information that i
thought was not obvious to some, thus i assumed resulting in a

Point i'm making is that sometimes we folk get complacent when on
mailing lists and assume others are up to speed on certain topics but
sadly in some cases they aren't especially those who passively
participate in open forum discussions so that they may learn.

That being said, there is no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb
teachers/pupils (ie those who mock people for asking dumb questions =
dumb and those who don't ask a question on something = dumb)..

I mean that also in a non-offensive manner too, just stating its
better to ask as in the end you'll be smarter for it.

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 06:09:13 -0500, dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gee sorry god of the web coders, was just saying it woulda been nice for you 
> too include that info when ppl were trying to learn from the discussion 
> instead of hiding it cause obviously you knew about it.
>  And sorry I didn't bring it up then but I didn't fully understand you were 
> pulling m$ tactics on the ppl trying to learn from the discussion till you 
> just busted it out.
>  Excuse for me being a bit pissed that you are like that and helped mislead 
> the ppl trying to learn from what was said.
>  ok its 4 am and been up for 22hrs and im being an ass, sorry lol 
> wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
> ----------------------------------------
> From: "Micha Schopman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 5:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Subject: RE: OT: Memory Leak in Browsers?
> Dave,
> Why are you trolling? The thread started with a simple question about
> memory management, and you change it into a "why didn't you mentioned
> this ... and that.. on that time ... that day .. in that thread.. " when
> there is no relation whatsoever with Scott's question and what has been
> said weeks, months ago.
> If you have serious mental problems, contact me off the list. Maybe I
> can help you resolving them.
> For now, back ontopic.
> Micha Schopman
> Project Manager
> Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL Amersfoort
> Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
> KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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