Heard of cfcUnit?  Check it out: http://www.cfcunit.org

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 18:37:13 -0500, DURETTE, STEVEN J (AIT)
> Hi all,
> I've been reading a lot of articles lately about automated testing and
> I'm hoping a few of you can answer some questions.
> Are there any automated testing systems for developing web projects?
> (Even better CF Specifically)
> We have problems all the time of short due dates, we do our minimal
> testing because of the due dates and then the client (generally not the
> end user, but the claim they are) is supposed to do in-depth testing.
> Generally they don't, then a few hours after roll out (we do internal
> web development only) the errors start coming in from things we didn't
> expect.  Some of it is due to sloppy coding (a couple of our programmers
> just do the bare minimum to get something into a semblance of working)!
> I would like to be able to implement some sort of automated testing to
> make this big pain a little smaller.  Having to learn an entire
> framework (and trying to get some of these programmers [if you can call
> them that]) most likely won't happen.
> And before it comes up we do have a tool that checks code for
> coding/improper use errors, but it doesn't do any actual testing.
> Maybe I'm just dreaming of nirvana, but I thought I'd give it a try.
> Steve

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