I think the problem is that you tried out a few diff newletter systems so ppl 
might have been caught between or trying to unsubscribe to one that isn't there 

From: Scott Stroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 12:43 PM
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Subject: Re: Unsubscribe by Scott Stroz 


I was joking. The guy from smartsurfonline said it was easy to
unsubscribe to their mailing list. I was taking an unprovoked jab at

I love CF-Talk, the humor, the drama, the mud slinging...oh, yea,
there sometimes some good tech related stuff here too ;-)


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 12:25:42 -0500, Rick Faircloth
> > From Scott Stroz:
> Scott,
> I know you're probably unsubscribing because of the incivility
> shown on this list in the last couple of days...and it has been bad.
> However, there is a lot to be gained from monitoring and participating
> in this list. I would never have been able to get a business based on
> web design that utilizing Cold Fusion without it. It's not always this
> bad...usually, it's quite civil.
> Now, to speak the CF-Talk family...forgive my forwardness in speaking
> to the group like this, but this little "family" has begun to act like too
> many
> real families. Unable to carry on conversation without argument, sometimes
> profanity, undue criticism, etc. Many real families fall apart when it gets
> like this...the same is true for "online families" and I think, if my
> instinct is correct,
> that Scott Stroz may be the first victim of this CF family's misbehavior.
> We need to temper criticism of other people and, especially, their websites
> and products. Criticism can be constructive and given in that light is
> usually welcome
> by the producers. But the kind of criticism, even lately of free products,
> has been
> quite over-the-top. I think some of us need a vacation, or at least more
> sleep and
> less caffeine!
> In groups like this one, it's easy for the "inner circle" to become very
> familiar with
> each other and, like in all personal relationships, get a little too relaxed
> with what
> we say. People who sign up for the form, because of their interest in Cold
> Fusion
> and need for help, will quickly abandon this list, not get the help they
> need, and
> perhaps abandon Cold Fusion, itself. This doesn't help any of us in the
> long run
> and especially the person in need in the short run.
> Notice, I'm not using capital letters, so I'm not yelling at anyone...this
> is just a call
> of encouragement for all of us to be careful in our conduct and etiquette on
> this list.
> There are constantly new people checking out what's going on that we never
> know
> are watching. We need to show them this is a place of help and comradery,
> not of
> heated criticism, petty sniping, and destructive argument. People show up
> here
> in need of help...not just with the code, but with the difficulty of dealing
> with the
> situations they're in which drove here in the first place.
> Personally, I'm tough enough to stick out the troubled moments we have here
> to
> get the benefits from this list. But for the sake of those who won't stick
> around long
> enough to see what a great resource this list is, I encourage everyone to
> play nice...
> Thanks for indulging my concerns...
> Rick
> Rick Faircloth,
> White Stone Media
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stroz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 11:37 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Anyone used these tools?

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