Hi Daniel, Not sure I fully understand.  You have a form which the
user can change, which, when submitted causes CF to run your query and
generate some results in 'NumofIntake'.

You are then displaying these.

You can certainly use the 'onclick' attribute of some html tag to run
some javascript to resubmit the form.  Or wrap a <a href="yourURL">
</a> to create a link.

Am I getting close to your question or just rambling? :-)


On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:42:22 -0500, Daniel Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a cfquery below:
> <cfquery name="NumofIntake" datasource="foo">
> select
> datepart(mm, DateofReferral) as TheMonth,
> count(datepart(mm, DateofReferral)) as TheCount
> from Intake
> where datepart(mm, DateofReferral) is not null
> <cfif form.YearSelection eq "select">
> <cfelse>
>          and datepart(yy, DateofReferral) = #form.YearSelection#
> </cfif>
> group by datepart(mm, DateofReferral)
> order by datepart(mm, DateofReferral)
> </cfquery>
> This cfquery passes "count(datepart(mm, DateofReferral)) as TheCount" to:
> <td><div align="right"><b><cfoutput query="NumofIntake"><cfif
> NumofIntake.TheMonth eq 1> #TheCount#</cfif></cfoutput></b></div>
> </td>
> <td> <div align="right"><b><cfoutput query="NumofIntake"><cfif
> NumofIntake.TheMonth eq 2> #TheCount#</cfif></cfoutput></b></div>
> </td>
> Is there a way to display the details of "#TheCount#" when you click
> on "#TheCount#"?    Please note that "#TheCount#" changes dynamically
> because of where clause in the cfquery above.
> tia,
> Daniel

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