
Yes, that is what I am trying to do, but here is the issue. 

Let's say #TheCount# (from the cfoutput below) returns 15 (meaning 15
cfquery results).

<cfoutput query="NumofIntake"><cfif> NumofIntake.TheMonth eq 2>

I want to see the details of 15 cfquery results when #TheCount# (in
this case, "15") is clicked.  How can I pass the details of



On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 22:52:34 +0530, Michael Traher
> Hi Daniel, Not sure I fully understand.  You have a form which the
> user can change, which, when submitted causes CF to run your query and
> generate some results in 'NumofIntake'.
> You are then displaying these.
> You can certainly use the 'onclick' attribute of some html tag to run
> some javascript to resubmit the form.  Or wrap a <a href="yourURL">
> </a> to create a link.
> Am I getting close to your question or just rambling? :-)
> MIke
> On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:42:22 -0500, Daniel Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a cfquery below:
> >
> > <cfquery name="NumofIntake" datasource="foo">
> > select
> > datepart(mm, DateofReferral) as TheMonth,
> > count(datepart(mm, DateofReferral)) as TheCount
> > from Intake
> > where datepart(mm, DateofReferral) is not null
> > <cfif form.YearSelection eq "select">
> > <cfelse>
> >          and datepart(yy, DateofReferral) = #form.YearSelection#
> > </cfif>
> > group by datepart(mm, DateofReferral)
> > order by datepart(mm, DateofReferral)
> > </cfquery>
> >
> > This cfquery passes "count(datepart(mm, DateofReferral)) as TheCount" to:
> >
> > <td><div align="right"><b><cfoutput query="NumofIntake"><cfif
> > NumofIntake.TheMonth eq 1> #TheCount#</cfif></cfoutput></b></div>
> > </td>
> > <td> <div align="right"><b><cfoutput query="NumofIntake"><cfif
> > NumofIntake.TheMonth eq 2> #TheCount#</cfif></cfoutput></b></div>
> > </td>
> >
> > Is there a way to display the details of "#TheCount#" when you click
> > on "#TheCount#"?    Please note that "#TheCount#" changes dynamically
> > because of where clause in the cfquery above.
> >
> > tia,
> >
> > Daniel
> >
> >

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